EAAR logo (book, radio antenna, and KE3AAR)
The Education Alliance for Amateur Radio (EAAR) promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math education through youth and community education and collaboration with other Amateur Radio organizations.

Download the EAAR Brochure- Click Here

How does radio enhance STEM education?

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) are basic tenets of our organization. EAAR’s goals include getting information out to educators, schools, youth groups, and others so they may learn the basic concepts and principles used in the field of electricity and radio transmission. The concepts learned in Amateur Radio will transfer to engineering principles, scientific theories, and math needed to properly calculate appropriate values needed for specific projects.

EAAR Activities

For upcoming activities, please check our Facebook Page

  • Parks on the Air: Lessons From the Park October 2, 2021

    Where: Upper Pottsgrove Twp. Building 1409 Farmington Ave. Pottstown PA 19464.

    When: December 19, 2021 9am -12pm

    Register here: https://tinyurl.com/Parks-on-the-air

About Us

The Education Alliance for Amateur Radio (EAAR) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established in 2016 to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education through youth and community education and collaboration with other Amateur Radio organizations. EAAR members also directly promote Amateur Radio with education and training.

EAAR’s goals are to:

  1. Promote STEM as a resource for local communities by providing funding, equipment and educational services.
  2. Promote Amateur Radio by educating the community through interactive demonstrations.
  3. Collaborate with other Amateur Radio organizations and local emergency management groups to advance education in Amateur Radio.

EAAR Director’s are unpaid volunteers. They are currently licensed Amateur Radio operators in good standing with the United States FCC Amateur Radio Service and members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the nation’s largest association for Amateur Radio. In addition, they are certified as volunteers as required by the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Act. Several EAAR Board members are ARRL Registered License Instructors and BSA Radio Merit Badge Counselors.

Meet Our Board

Support EAAR

Your contributions, however big or small, help further EAAR’s mission. Contributions are tax deductible, and an invoice will be provided.

To make a donation or learn about volunteering, contact info@radiostemalliance.org

Want to know more? Contact our board of directors at info@radiostemalliance.org